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Life’s Storm. Yosh it Passed!

 You stood alone, in the face of the storm

With nothing but your strength to keep you warm

Through the hardest times, you held your ground

And refused to let your spirit be drowned

With every blow that life could bring

You found the strength to keep on wing

And even when the road was long

You found a way to keep pushing on

Now you stand proud, with head held high

And know that you can overcome any sky

For you've survived the toughest test

And proven that you're stronger than the rest

So when the winds of change blow strong

And life's storms come rolling along

Remember the strength that you possess

And that you can overcome any distress

For you've already proven your might

And that you can survive even in the darkest night

So hold your head up, and stand tall

For you are a survivor, and you can conquer all.


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